The 7th Oman International Conference on Food Safety and Quality

Towards Resilient & Dynamic Food Systems

21-23 April 2025, Oman Conference & Exhibition Center, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

About The Event

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources, represented by the Food Safety and Quality Center, is dedicated to ensuring the safety and quality of food as one of its most important strategic goals. Organizing scientific conferences is one of the essential means that contribute to achieving this goal, by strengthening partnerships and scientific cooperation and learning about the latest developments in the field of food safety.


Oman Conference & Exhibition Center, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


21 to 23 April 2025

The 7th Oman International Conference on Food Safety and Quality

Towards Resilient & Dynamic Food Systems

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre

Conference Themes

21-23 April 2025

conferrence 3

Modernizing Food Safety and Quality Control and Oversight: Role of New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

This theme focuses on the role of modern technology in developing innovative solutions that enhance food safety and quality, including but not limited to:

  • Modern traceability systems
  • Novel methods used to improve production, storage and distribution processes
  • Using smart sensing technologies that support rapid detection of contaminants.
conferrence 2

Food Fraud and Ascertaining Food Authenticity

Determining food authenticity is the process of verifying the validity and truthfulness of claims related to the characteristics or the source of food ingredients and products. Ascertaining authenticity contributes to supporting the protection of consumers’ health and enhances their confidence in the products available for sale, which in turn reduces the rate of food loss and waste and contributes positively to national economies overall. Several techniques and methods are used to verify food authenticity and ensure that the product does not contain adulterated or counterfeit ingredients. Examples of these techniques include:

  • Chemical analysis, including Mass spectrometry techniques, Infrared spectroscopy (IR)
  • Genetic analysis
  • Sensory and organoleptic tests

Regulatory Food Analytical Methods

Regulatory Food Analytical Methods include a set of methods that aim to ensure the safety and quality of food and verify conformity with health and quality standards. Food analytical methods include:

  • Chemical analysis
  • Microbiological analysis
  • Physical analysis
  • Sensory analysis

Regulatory methods mean methods that are developed and used to verify conformity with legal provisions including food regulatory provisions designed to regulate the production, distribution and consumption of food in a way that aims to protect the health of the consumer and fair practices in the food trade. This topic will encompass discussions on:

  • Local and international food legislative and regulatory requirements associated with food methods
  • Quality management systems
  • Ascertaining branding and packaging issues
conferrence 1

Risk Assessment to Support Food Regulatory Decision-Making

This theme will focus on developments made in the Arab region and globally to build capacities and competencies associated with risk assessment to support standard setting and decision making.
The session will aim to offer updates on most recent risk assessment studies enabling documented food regulatory decisions globally.
Enablers of risk assessment, such as availability of food consumption data and food occurrence information in the Arab region and beyond will be discussed.

conferrence 4

Green Food Supply Chain

This theme highlights strategies, initiatives and programs aimed at reducing negative impacts on the environment (as a result of food supply chains), in addition to enhancing the sustainability of resources and consumers’ health. To ensure the sustainability of natural resources and meet nutritional needs, efforts must be synergized (governments, companies and local communities). Among the topics that can be presented under this theme are:

  • Reducing food loss and waste: refers to all forms of waste and loss in the food supply chain, starting from farms to the final points of sale to the consumer.
  • Sustainable production practices: includes sustainable agricultural practices, efficient use of resources and energy, proper storage and effective distribution.
conferrence 5

Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Supply chain management is the process of planning, organizing, controlling and monitoring all activities related to moving goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption at the lowest possible cost and with the highest levels of service. Logistics is concerned with planning and managing operations to move goods and services effectively. Examples of topics that can be presented under this theme include:

  • Achieving operational efficiency and reducing costs
  • Handling orders and improving customer satisfaction
  • Managing risks effectively
  • Managing inventory
  • Managing returned products

Conference Venue

Conference venue location info and gallery

Conference Speakers


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Conference Schedule

Here is our conference schedule

The conference will focus on employing smart technologies and industrial vitality to support sustainable food manufacturing and enhance economic return.

The conference will focus on employing smart technologies and industrial vitality to support sustainable food manufacturing and enhance economic return.

Coming Soon

The conference will focus on employing smart technologies and industrial vitality to support sustainable food manufacturing and enhance economic return.

Coming Soon

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline

15 / March / 2025

Notification of acceptance

28 / March / 2025

Last day to register

15 / March / 2025


Platinum Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

Golden Sponsors

Here are some of our speakers

Media Center

Check our gallery from the recent Conference